台灣的夏天好熱,又悶又溼又熱。想想和夏天有關的童書,發現一件很有趣的事,似乎愈冷的地方,兒童文學的發展愈成熟,想想嚕嚕米(Moomin by Tove Jansson)的故鄉芬蘭、出產《長襪皮皮》(Pipi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren)的瑞典,還有兒童文學發源地的英國,都是冷颼颼的地方。有意思的是,夏天在這些冷颼颼的國家是非常珍貴的,尤其在北歐,因為夏天短,所以夏日時光特別珍貴。Tove Jansson寫了一本關於夏天的書,名為The Summber Book,內容敘述一位年老的藝術家和她六歲的孫女在一個夏天前往芬蘭的一個小島渡假的故事,看這書的封面,是不是很夏天呢!
除了The Summer Book,還想跟大家推薦Stringbean's Trip to the Shining Sea,這是一本紀錄一對兄弟在一年夏天裡,一路從堪薩斯州開著車到太平洋海灘的旅程,全書結集二十張名信片、一些快照,以及幾張素描,我個人非常喜歡這本繪本。
Summer Story
Jill Barklem
Simon and Schuster, 1980
ISBN: 0-689-83059-9
Marthe Jocelyn
Tundra Books, 2004
ISBN: 0-8876-676-5
Grandpa and Bo
Kevin Henkes
Greenwillow, 1986
ISBN: 0-06-623-837-4
How hot was it?
Jane Barclay
Illustrated by Janice Donato
Lobster Press, 2003
ISBN: 189422270-9
Prairie Summer
Nancy Hundal
Illustrated by Brian Deines
Fitzhenry and Whiteside Canada, 1999
ISBN: 1-55041-403-8
Grandma Summer
Harley Jessup
Puffin Books, 1999
ISBN: 0-14-056833-6
Summer is Summer
Phillis and David Gershator
Illustrated by Sophie Blackall
Henry Holt, 2006
ISBN: 0-8050-74449
A Prairie Boy’s Summer
William Kurelek
Tundra (Canada), 1975
ISBN: 0-88776-116-X
Jill Barklem
Simon and Schuster, 1980
ISBN: 0-689-83059-9
Marthe Jocelyn
Tundra Books, 2004
ISBN: 0-8876-676-5
Grandpa and Bo
Kevin Henkes
Greenwillow, 1986
ISBN: 0-06-623-837-4
How hot was it?
Jane Barclay
Illustrated by Janice Donato
Lobster Press, 2003
ISBN: 189422270-9
Prairie Summer
Nancy Hundal
Illustrated by Brian Deines
Fitzhenry and Whiteside Canada, 1999
ISBN: 1-55041-403-8
Grandma Summer
Harley Jessup
Puffin Books, 1999
ISBN: 0-14-056833-6
Summer is Summer
Phillis and David Gershator
Illustrated by Sophie Blackall
Henry Holt, 2006
ISBN: 0-8050-74449
A Prairie Boy’s Summer
William Kurelek
Tundra (Canada), 1975
ISBN: 0-88776-116-X
Mouse’s First Summer
Lauren Thompson
Illustrated by Buket Erdogan
Simon and Shuster, 2004
ISBN: 0-689-85835-3
Douglas Florian
HarperCollins, 2002
ISBN: 0-06-029267-9
Too, too hot(小說)
Judy Kentor Schmauss
Illustrated by Karol Kaminski
Barron’s Educational Series, 2006
ISBN: 0-7641-3285-7
Lauren Thompson
Illustrated by Buket Erdogan
Simon and Shuster, 2004
ISBN: 0-689-85835-3
Douglas Florian
HarperCollins, 2002
ISBN: 0-06-029267-9
Too, too hot(小說)
Judy Kentor Schmauss
Illustrated by Karol Kaminski
Barron’s Educational Series, 2006
ISBN: 0-7641-3285-7