



老天爺,我從來沒寫過failed paper,這樣的失敗對我來說,打擊很大。對,我沒有花很多時間在上面,可是不代表那是爛報告,更不代表那是份failed paper,我沒有希望得高分,但真的沒有料到會沒過關。而且,這篇作業,我還特別請那位在高中當老師的美國同學看過,得到這樣的結果,大大出乎我意料之外。
我不敢說我寫過的報告很優秀或是很突出,可是都有一定的水準。突然想到以前在美國唸書時,那個位教American Literature的教授,有一次我在系主任辦公室外時,突然叫住我,他說:
Miss Yen, good work!
I did not think the comments were particularly insightful or helpful. In fact I thought they were ill-considered and hurtful. It would take more space than it is worth to comment on them any more.
Part of graduate school is business. You have to learn how to play the game.  It's cynical, but there are plenty of idealists who have stuck by their guns and who are no longer in graduate school because they did not want to compromise their purity. You need to do is find a way to give them what they want, and then, having done that, find ways to fulfill your own desires and writerly needs.

我了解評分是很主觀的,只不過我在想:沒錯,教授也是人,但是他們應該比常人更客觀才是。看了老師在作業裡逐行的評語,我都快昏倒了,報告第一句我寫 School has been a universal experience.....
這位天才老師,在a universal experience字下畫線,寫perhaps slight exaggeration,我的媽啊!!!說學校是universal experience是誇大其辭喔?難不成School is the experience which only exists in UK?
The professors in America gave me too much liberty.
I fell;
I failed.
What a beautiful rhyme with alliteration.
ps. 老師對於這篇failed paper的評語:
There are some moments of insight here, but I am afraid that this paper does not reach the standard required at MA level.  Your argument that these school stories all function in the same way is essentially reductive and results in a superficial and generalised treatment of each text. While I accept that there are similarities between them, it would have been far more productive to demonstrate the different ways in which these texts make use of the school setting they have in common. For example, you mention that malarkey is a dystopian text, which certainly differentiates it from the other books, but you don't deal with this aspect of Gray's book.  Your argument that there is no difference between the fantasy of Harry Potter and the realism of Tyke & Malarkey also demonstrates a lack of sensitivity to the generic structure of narratives in terms of language, thematic development etc.  Your argument is fundamentally flawed and needs radical rethinking if this paper is to work as a legitimate discussion of these texts.


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